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The Insect Hotel at relexa hotel Berlin

Title: Urban Lifestyle Meets Nature Conservation – The Insect Hotel at relexa hotel Berlin


Welcome to the relexa hotel Berlin, where urban living meets environmental consciousness! We are excited to introduce you to our latest sustainability project: the insect hotel. This initiative shows that environmental protection is not only important but also incredibly cool. And we invite you to be a part of it!

What is an Insect Hotel?

An insect hotel isn’t your typical hotel. Instead of offering comfortable rooms for people, it provides various "rooms" for wild bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. These little helpers are essential for pollination and contribute to the biodiversity in our city. With our insect hotel, we’re creating a safe haven for them—right in the heart of the capital.

Where Can You Find the Insect Hotel?

The insect hotel is located in our serene Courtyard 3, a green oasis in the heart of the hotel. Here, shielded from the city's hustle and bustle, insects can nest peacefully and carry out their vital role in nature. Courtyard 3 offers the perfect retreat for these little creatures—and, of course, for you!

Why is This Important?

Biodiversity concerns us all, even in urban areas. In cities, habitats for insects are becoming increasingly scarce. By providing them with a space in our insect hotel, we’re supporting ecological balance and promoting a greener urban landscape.

Generation Z in Focus:

You hold the future in your hands, and sustainability is something we all care about. With the insect hotel, we aim to inspire you to take small steps towards protecting the environment. And the best part? You can easily get involved! Share photos of your visit to our insect hotel, make a statement for nature, and show that conservation works even in the city. #NatureInTheCity #InsectHotelBerlin

How Can You Support Us?

We need your support! Come by, explore the insect hotel in Courtyard 3, and share your impressions on social media. Tag us @relexahotels and use the hashtag #InsectHotelBerlin. Show your followers that environmental protection is both cool and necessary—and that the relexa hotel Berlin is the perfect place for it.


At the relexa hotel Berlin, we aim to offer more than just a place to stay—we want to spark positive change together with you. Join us, get involved, and let’s make the city greener together.

Visit us in Courtyard 3 and discover the insect hotel—we look forward to seeing you!