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Our Herb Raised Bed in Courtyard 3

New Highlight at relexa hotel Berlin: Our Herb Raised Bed in Courtyard 3

Hey everyone,

We’ve got some exciting news for you: There’s a brand-new raised herb bed in Courtyard 3 at relexa hotel Berlin!

Why is this so cool? Because our kitchen team is using this raised bed to grow fresh herbs that go directly into our delicious dishes. You can look forward to even more flavor and quality on your plate—straight from the courtyard, from the bed to the pan.

But that’s not all. The raised bed is located at the heart of our hotel, symbolizing our commitment to sustainability and freshness. We focus on short distances and maximum freshness to bring you the best. Every dish you enjoy is prepared with a touch of nature and an extra dose of love.

Curious? Then come by, enjoy our creations, and let yourself be captivated by the flavors.

Stay fresh and see you soon at relexa hotel Berlin!

Your relexa team