Rooms Offers
030 26 483 0

Our daily fresh breakfast buffet - the healthy start of the day

"Breakfast is the most beautiful of all meals. One feels fresh and relaxed, has yet to been irritated, and is full of new hopes and plans.“
 Heinrich Spoerl (1887-1955), German writer

The first meal of the day is breakfast

Get spoilt in the morning and enjoy our extensive breakfast buffet, serving fresh, healthy and local products. So that every guest is fulfilled in the morning, we offer a wide selection of items for all tastes.

For guests with gluten or lactose allergies...

we offer numerous additional options on the breakfast buffet! Please let us know your requirements in advance, and we will be happy to assist you. Our breakfast buffet is open MO-FR from 6.30 am to 10.30 am an SA-SU 07.00-11.00 am and on weekends a little longer.

Enjoy our breakfast offer at a price of 17,00 Euro per person.

*Hint for allergy sufferers: Should you have any special dietary requirements or allergies? Or would you like to know more about the used ingredients please contact our staff. In spite of maximum carefulness unwanted cross contaminations can never be completely excluded.

Our Tips:

  • If you wish to enjoy a peaceful breakfast, we are happy to serve you our culinary breakfast to your room.
  • If you are in a hurry or your flight leaves early, then we are happy to prepare a breakfast lunch-box for you.

some sweet snacks

  • dansih pastry
  • croissants
  • different slices of cake

fresh from the oven: rolls and buns

  • whole-grain bread
  • multi-grain rolls
  • viking rolls
  • rye bread rolls
  • sunflower bread
  • pumpkin seed bread
  • poppy-seed rolls

classical: bread

  • brown bread
  • wholemeal bread
  • savarin
  • rye-wheat bread
  • soya bread
  • wheat bread
  • toast


  • fruit salad, cantaloupe, orange & pineapple (sliced in cubes)
  • different sorts of fruits (on the whole)
  • dry fruits (plum, apricot, raisin, banana, ...)
  • home-made pulp of fruit

vegetables & co.

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