A visit is worthwhile - the Reichstag building
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A visit is worthwhile - the Reichstag building

If you would like to visit the Reichstag in Berlin you should register in time. You can apply to visit only online. Simply register by giving your personal details as well as the time you prefer to visit.
These security measurements were introduced a few years ago. Today it is impossible to visit spontaneously the Reichstag building and its dome.
Advantage: there is no more long waiting time as in previous years, as you get sent a fixed time slot.

After passing two security gates you are in the German Bundestag. It's a very special feeling to enter this fantastic old building with so much history. In 1990, the Reichstag building was completely renovated. Great attention was paid to preservation and reconstructing original features. Today you can still find signs and graffiti of Soviet soldiers during the occupation and even bullet holes of the Second World War.
Generally you can admire a lot of art in the Reichstag. Outside the Chamber you can admire a real Beuys as well as a work of art of the American artist Jenny Holzer. The artist Holzer designed illuminated tapes of speeches of Reichstag and Bundestag members from 1871 to 1992, which have been combined into thematic blocks. In addition, all Members are displayed, who have been democratically elected between 1919-1999.

We highly recommend the exhibit "The population" by Hans Haake. It is an art object in the northern courtyard of the Reichstag building. Members of parliament are free to bring from their respective county some soil to Berlin and scatter it around the illuminated letters. You can follow on a WEB-CAM this project.
The Reichstag dome is waiting for you at the end of the tour. The dome is 23 meters high and 40 meters wide. It is an absolute highlight for visitors to Berlin. At the top, you feel like being in a small "shell" and you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of Berlin.

More pictures from the Reichstag building, as well as the Reichstag dome can be found here.


  • If your time allows it - visit the Reichstag dome at night (open daily until midnight) - because even at night, Berlin displays its variety of colours.
  • There is a small restaurant on top of the Reichstag dome, so that guests can enjoy a small bite to eat while you admire the view.


visit the Reichstag building during a short trip to Berlin


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